Wednesday, January 30, 2008


So, as i've mentioned in previous posts, i'm in a band.
If you haven't noticed yet, i'm also the guitarist...although if you haven't noticed that then perhaps you should get smacked up in the face a couple of times by a big italian henchman named Wrench. :P

This is pics from a show I played in the past.

This was taken at the first performance of AFS, debut show

This was our second performance. Probably my favourite one to date, as a lot of my favourite pictures were taken at this one, not to mention that this would be one of those moments where "you never know who's in the crowd watching"

This is from our third show. I'm obviously emo here, or maybe not. It was also the first show where I debut my BC Rich and Mesa amp.

A picture of our last show we've played so far. Also unfortunately the first and last show with that singer.

At the moment we're going to be going back to the studio to cut yet another album, with me taking up the vocals. Meanwhile, we'll be looking out for new singers.

ps. It's funny, I didn't notice this until after I overviewed this post, but look at how each member's equipment steadily grows more and more. I get a mesa cabinet, the bassist gets an extension cab as well, and the drummer gets a rack with 3 more toms.

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